About me

Kyriakos Triantafyllidis

My Name is Kyriakos Triantafyllidis and I’m 24 years old. My Passion for photography started during a project week at school. After my school days I continued photography as a hobby.

At the beginning of 2020 I did an internship in a company. Part of my job was managing social media channels and designing ads. During this time I worked closely with a graphic designer and was able to get to know his work better. I became interested in this work and decided to start an apprenticeship in this area. During my time in the company I was also able to prove my skills in photography.

At the beginning of 2022 I started an online school as a graphic designer and will graduate in March 2023 as a certified Graphic Designer.  My goal was and is to set up my own company. In order to get there I started building my business this summer. Now my goal is to have a pleasant and successful cooperation with my customers and help them reach their goals.